Several times during our engagement, I told Phil that I wished I had a way to express a lot of the emotions I was dealing with during the processing leading up to our wedding. He suggested (many times) that I start a blog, but I was hesitant for a lot of reasons. I was afraid that if I said how I really felt about some of the details of wedding planning, I would hurt the people involved. But I also wasn't interested in censoring myself. So I opted not to blog my way through that. Maybe I will revisit it another time.

But now it's a new year, and I've got some new things I would like to try, so I figured, why not?

First, I would like to be more intentionally connected with God this year. To help me with this goal, I've picked up a copy of One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. It's been recommended to me by a couple of people, and I'm excited to discover my own list of gifts this year. I am also starting the Jesus Calling devotional by Sarah Young. It's another recommendation, and I'm looking forward to a fresh devotional for the year.

I am also embarking on a 30 day gluten-free diet, beginning today. This is not something I'm actually looking forward to. However, I've had some health issues over the last…forever, and Phil thinks that gluten may be at least one of the things causing them. This is actually really difficult for me, because I love eating. And I especially love anything with a carb in it. I have shed some serious tears over this, which always feels silly to me, but over the last year, I have given up a lot of who I have been the last almost-29 years. Getting married and becoming a step-mom is one of the best decisions I have ever made, but it's a decision that came with a cost to my personal freedoms. Not being able to eat whatever I want has been a decision that has felt like just one more part of me that's being taken away.

Dramatic, I realize. But that's how it feels. However, I want to be a person who doesn't shrink from life's challenges, and I want to show my husband that I am willing to trust him and his advice. Hence, my month long journey into gluten-freeness.

And because he's the best husband ever, he's made me my first (intentionally) gluten-free breakfast of the new year.